Saturday, November 24, 2007

Moving on

So both vans were written off by ICBC. Now the hunt begins for replacement vehicles. They are out there somewhere in the world of craigs list and the buy & sell. We need to find the right machine at the right price from the right people. Mean while cancer does not wait for us to engage it. We need to maintain vigilance in prayer and wisdom of response. The last thing Dr. Ho did for us before she left for her maternity leave was to postpone the chemo treatment from last week to let me catch up on dealing with the rash. That, along with antibiotics seemed to work, the rash settled down enough for me to appreciate a sense of well being for the time being as a human being. Write a comment at let me know how you are being.


darla said...

I think about you almost everyday, and I've never missed a blog. I really don't know what else to say, other than that I know from experience that God heals. And I admire your strength.

Heather Mercer said...

Just being is a lot less stressful than trying and trying and doing and doing. Thanks for the example of your gracious response to everything that's been thrown your way.

mike and cecille said...

recovering back to life and getting back to a mere human being is more mental work.

About Me said... Here is a 1992 voyager for sale if you are interested.