You probably don't know this bit of information that I'm going to share with you because I haven't told many people. Just Jody and Bob who were there at the clinic with me when the oncologist gave us a run down on where we were at with things.This was back in March when I first became a cancer patient, Dr.Ho said what she said when she first met me because I asked what I asked. My question was, " I have a large non-small cell carcinoma tumour in my lung. The cancer is in stage 4 and has spread to other parts of my body...." Then I stumbled around for the words to finsh my question which I didnt want to know the answer to. " What - where does this - is there a time line?" At this point Dr. Ho, almost blurted out, "12 weeks to 5 years." Then she comprehensively gave us a background on statistics and how they come into being. Learning what I did about statistics - I felt that it was a mute question so I didn't let "12 weeks to 5 years" be my guide. However, it does light the trail differently.
All a somber subject, eh?
But, if we take the 12 weeks - we can say that I'm past my expiry date. Like food in your fridge. Open the jar a take a whiff. That's just like me. Let's see, 12 weeks would have been sometime around the Benefit Concert June 11. That was a great party! Good thing I was still on the best before side of life while I was hugging all of you. I'm still good for hugs - I just won't be as fresh with you as I was before the expiry date.
Does best before mean worst after ?
Jody and I are very thankful and would like to extend our gratitude to the saints who sponsored our time away. We had a short vacation in July to recharge our energy. This is a photo of us with some local people we met while we were away.
Actually, we were all waiting for the BC Ferry to take us to Victoria! The group we were visiting with are a soccer team here for the F.I.F.A. Tournament during that week.
Hi Mike, I am with you. It is hard to think about the expiry date and think of the family at the same time. There are many things I don't understand myself about the Lord's plan. Surely He will let us understand someday. Our prayer is that God's joy abound in you in the mids of dispair. We continually pray for your complete healing. Our family plan to go to the interior this August. we will let you know about the summer festival you mentioned if we happened to be in those places.By the way, you are funny about the expired milk. I am glad you are not milk. God's word is new every morning, no expiry date so as you whom he formed...
We share a common bond Mike,see my blog on www.yorkypaul.blogspot.com
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