This photo is me with my latest side effect. A rash. It starts on my face then tapers off as it reaches my knees. It's itchy - I am uncomfortable with it. Yes that is how I will describe it - uncomfortable. There are other words that I could use to describe this condition.
One word I did think about was terminal, this word could be used but it has a dark and final meaning that sends chills up and down the spine. This horror movie effect that has been instilled in us from the likes of Vincent Price and Stephen King. So frightening because it is T-E-R-M-I-N-A-L !
But wait a minute it is just one of the meanings of the word termial. Let's not forget that a terminal is a place where people go to get on an airplane or a bus or a train. They leave their baggage for someone else to deal with and the climb aboard and head off for their destination. You stand in the terminal and wave good bye and cry a tear because it's quite possible you will never see them again. Oh, I guess this could have a dark and final meaning to it also.
How about, terminal - a device for changing the flow of electricity or any moving energy. As the energy moves through the terminal, the switch is moved and the energy is stopped and never will continue it's original path because of the terminal. Gee, that sounds dark and final too. So, let's forget the the word terminal. My rash is just uncomfortable.
I think I need a nick name to acknowledge my new look - Terminal Head ? Flakey Face ? Rash Hole ? I'm open to suggestions.
I'll be back on line next week.
Hi Mike, you are a joker. I have another terminal meaning for you. How about passing through, or a state of limited stay for departure or arrival in a long distance travel.I believe you will see the goodness of God in the land of the living. I can call you the hedge head. I hope you will feel better soon.
Sometimes your "humour" gives me a lump ! in my throat. Can I drop off a case of Calamine Lotion, might help......just kindin',.. What did your doc say about it, and what are they doing ? The kids say "Hello" and so do we. All our love and hope, Tammie & David
Nice snap!
I zinc it bears a striking resemblance to "Baby-Butt Face"!
Our thoughts and prayers are wishing for good things to come and that we could be there with you.
Love and affection from
Tina, Brian, Devin & Trevor
Your conversation is always enlightening; the glow has just moved to your outer body.
I think 'Sparky' sounds great!
Praying for you,
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