Just think how it would be as the center of every one's admiring stares and the object of their desire. When they saw you they would say "Oh, beautiful!" or "My, that's one reason to be thankful." If they were talking about you, wouldn't you feel great about yourself ? These kind of comments would instill a sense of self confidence in you and encourage you to strive for your lofty dreams of a great fulfilling life. But, you are a turkey on a dinner table displayed for a thanksgiving holiday dinner. You're dead. You lived your life happily. Free ranged or production farmed or whatever, it's over. While you were alive your piers never noticed you being special for anything. Your food always tasted the same but you thankfully ate all you could. You did the same thing every day but were thankful when you found out that you still had another day to do it. Your caregivers noticed you only once and that was the last thing you remember. Somehow you still feel honoured to know - that is you, displayed with all the trimmings. You are elated to see that you are a big part of the celebrations. Actually, you are the center piece. You feel great. This is turkey gratitude.
What is people gratitude ? I will quote from the thanksgiving message to us at All Nations Christian Fellowship last Sunday. "Gratitude is the ability to experience life as a gift. It liberates us from the prison of self-preoccupation. Gratitude is the opposite of bitterness and complaining."
This bumps into my story. The good days and bad days of a roller coaster life with cancer.
Bad days - Self preoccupation. This is bitterness and complaining.
Good days - Life is a gift. This is gratitude.
I feel like I'm living a parable. The lesson is there for me to learn. I'm hearing it - am I understanding? I'm seeing it - am I perceiving?
I hope you all had a happy thanksgiving.
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