Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Road block

I was in the cancer clinic yesterday and showed off my red peeling swollen rash to whoever needed to see it.
The outcome is that we will miss the next round of chemo to deal with the rash before it gets infected. The way we are going to deal with the rash is cover the area with burn dressing and have a home care nurse change it daily. I’m disappointed that we need to interrupt the chemo regime but if an infection starts in me the chemo is stopped so better interrupt than stop. I’m wearing burn dressing now and there is some relief – much better. We are praying for quick healing and a continuation of treatment.


DonnaH said...


DonnaH said...

Our prayer is that you do indeed heal quickly so that you can continue your treatment.

My youngest brother had cancer 3 different times and is doing well. What HE can do for one, HE can do for another.

Be encouraged.

We love you guys.

The Harneds

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