Tuesday, May 15, 2007

A lesson from one of life's cycles.

Plant your garden with the the new moon in May.
This Wednesday is the time to put your plants in the garden - green side up. Why Wednesday ? The plant's life cycle. If you try to understand this life cycle it has to do with the water table and the tides, but just know that when you plant your garden on the new moon it has a much better chance of growing into something that will feed you with beauty and snacks. Harvest the garden on the full moon in August, I think - I need to check with my sources, it could be September. This cycle is like all other cycles, it has it's own timing and anyone relying on it has to wait for the cycle to take it's own course.
Here is another plant cycle story. Our street is lined with mature Magnolia trees. Each spring they are a wedding arbour of fragrant, full and beautiful white flowers. The tree in front of our house is the biggest on the block. I think because the natural drainage brings the richest water table to this part of the block. This year the tree in front of our house is the deadest on the block. No flowers, no leaves, just bare branches drying in the wind for the carpenter. What happened ? The cycle of life for the trees changed and no one seemed to care to notice. We had a hot dry summer - at least for west coast standards - which effected the water table. The tree was just too big to be sustained by the lesser amount of water. If anyone had turned on the garden hose and left it at the base of the tree for 10 minutes a day things would be different for that tree. Mr. Magnolia would not have to be seeing the arbourist for his chainsaw treatments this summer.
It is just a tree's cycle , but what is the lesson ?

Get your tickets early.
There is a cycle of promotion that is in motion and will easily get to it's goal filling the Kits auditorium.
My friend John Kaplan tells me that things are rolling right along with the upcoming "Friends of Meeks" benefit show and wanted me to let our close friends know that if they want to attend they should reserve their tickets right away. He's worried that there won't be enough seats for everyone wishing to attend and I would be disappointed if anybody close to us was unable to get into the show. I have some tickets that we will be selling at All Nations on Sunday, they're also being sold at the Kitsilano Community Centre or you can reserve through a 24-hr phone line at 604-521-6780.

Don't wait for the arbourist to call!

1 comment:

darla said...


I have thought about you and your family everyday since I heard of your battle. I have prayed for you. You always made me feel so proud of my son because you saw drama in him and allowed him to shine. I'll never forget the play "Changed" Thank you for what you taught Luc.

I'm a nurses aide now, I have a slight understanding of what it is your dealing with. Reading your blog made me feel very positive. I was smiling at your sense of humor and so inspired by your brave heart.
