This photo of us and our long time neighbours of 19 years. These 2 families that have navigated their way to the future. Which is now. We parents have arrived at the future with our heads spinning us into mid life. The "kids" look hungrily to what lies ahead barely considering how they got to that place in the future. Same room, same time, same families, different perspective. My perspective of the future certainly has changed. It is no longer mine to own. Not that it ever was, but I did believe that I had a place in the future - don't you? Isn't it part of the package? I think not. It is not in our control. However, some things are - like if you don't want to get hit by a bus, stay on the bus. Walk by faith - except at the cross walk. Avoid getting cancer - don't smoke, eat well and get regular exercise. Huh ? That's what I did and I got cancer. It is still good advice but it can't deliver you into the future. What can deliver us into the future ? Each moment, however boring and destructive or exciting and productive, the moment will carry you to the next. Then to the end of the day, eventually (maybe) the next season.
Good luck.